Missing response message

We know how important it is for you to nurture the visitors of your website. A knowledge base sometimes can be incomplete, and your users don't get the exact answer to their questions, or they need personalized support (about their own ticket, order, and so on). That's why a Chatbot can be configured with a Missing response message. Here's the final result:

Missing response message user experience

When the user submits the Missing response form, you receive an email with all the details and the full conversation the user had with the AI Chatbot for context.

How to configure the Missing response message for your Chatbot

Log in to Userdesk, and click on your Chatbot name on the left sidebar.

Go to Widget and enable Missing response message.

You can customize your message (and change language also), the label for Name, Email, and Phone, and enable / disable each one of those fields.

Configure the Missing response message

Your Missing response message is configured 🎉

Remember that you can chat live with your users in the Messages section of Userdesk 🙌

Last updated